


About Application Experiments

About Application Experiments

Deyou Rubber Belt has three laboratories: raw material and formula laboratory, product development and application laboratory, and quality laboratory.

The main responsibilities of raw materials and formulation laboratory are to select raw materials (glue, base material, separating film), control their performance and quality, and provide qualified and stable raw materials for product development projects; to develop product formulations, EVT as the initial brush selection, and to provide 1-2 reliable and competitive formulations for pilot production of DVT.

The main responsibility of the product development and application laboratory is to use the product formula recommended by the raw material and formula laboratory to conduct DVT and PVT trial production on the actual production line, to evaluate the quality stability of its production performance; and to design reasonable test methods to evaluate the performance of products, to provide detailed and complete test data to the raw material formula laboratory and the factory quality laboratory, to raw materials. The formulation laboratory provides the basis for formulation improvement, or provides the quality laboratory with product specifications for mass production; and designs and customizes application tests according to customer needs to help customers predict the performance of products in customer project applications in advance, so as to provide recommendations.



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