
Dow introduced a new flexible packaging solution to achieve 100% recyclability

Column:Industry information Time:2018-12-15

The Dow Packaging and Special Plastics Division of Dow Chemicals has developed innovative polyethylene (PE) resin formulations, bringing India a new, sustainable, all-PE composite flexible packaging solution.

Current soft packaging solutions are multi-layered structures of different polymers and additives, which are incompatible in the recovery process and require complex process decomposition. Dow's revolutionary all-PE composite flexible packaging solution can make packaging 100% recyclable after use without affecting aesthetic feeling, brand recognition and performance.

All-PE Composite Soft Packaging Solution Supports Full Recycling and Enters the Market

Bambang Candra, Vice President of Asia-Pacific Business of Dow Packaging and Special Plastics Business, said: "Dow encourages responsible production, treatment and recycling of plastics. Our new all-PE composite soft packaging solution supports full recycling, aiming to solve the problem of soft plastic waste management in India. We are very excited about this new product and will work closely with local brands to use our new solutions to help them meet regulatory requirements and protect the environment by reducing the use of polypolymer plastics.

In India, plastic flexible packaging is favored by brand merchants and consumers for its convenience, lightweight, price-friendly and good barrier.

However, the 2016 Regulations on Plastic Waste Management issued by MoEF (Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change) in India calls for the large-scale implementation of appropriate plastic treatment practices and the phasing out of non-recyclable polypolymer packaging. Dow's all-PE composite flexible packaging solutions are expected to enter the market at this time when major brands are looking for alternatives to environmental protection.


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